Physical Assets
Reliability Centered Maintenance Twenty-One® *
RCM was once thought to be only applicable for developing prior to service maintenance recommendations. Over the past two decades RCM has been applied to legacy systems but was mainly used for developing maintenance recommendations. The JTH Group has successfully propagated the fundamentals of RCM to develop all of the maintenance, operational and support requirements for physical assets during:
- - Conceptual Design
- - Support System Design & Development
- - Prototyping and Systems Design Development
- - Limited and Full Rate Production
- - Sparing
- - Commissioning/Fielding
- - Use of Legacy Systems
- - Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis
- - Technological Insertions &/or Upgrades
- - Service Life Extensions
- - System Disposal
Upwards of 95% of all maintenance, operational and support requirements (and financial costs) are determined by the systems conceptual design. Engaging RCM early and keeping the results up-to-date ensures your enterprise remains in control of change.
Since the release of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) by Stan Nowlan & Howard Heap, circa 1978, RCM has gained popularity but little new insight has been added on the topic and use of the process.
Until now.
JTH Group has undertaken extensive research into scientific management techniques and the original RCM to create Reliability Centered Maintenance Twenty-One (RCM 21®). Our findings have been tempered with decades of hands-on, global, RCM experience that encompass commercial, military, and government sectors. The amalgamation of these two disciplines has resulted in the introduction of a very powerful integrated tool, RCM 21®, which addresses many questions surrounding RCM left unanswered over the past 30 years. RCM 21® uniquely meets the array of demands faced by enterprises as we progress into the twenty-first century.
JTH Group offers a complete choice of RCM 21® services and a full range of product and service delivery options. Delivery options include comprehensive RCM 21® technology transfers, which can enable your enterprise to carry out RCM 21® analyses and, if desired, provide full RCM 21® training within your organization. Our training includes mentoring your personnel to the highest quality standards.
*Meets 100% of the SAE JA-1011 standard "Evaluation Criteria for Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Processes" and 100% of the OSD DODI 4151.22 CBM+.
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Training & Mentoring
RCM 21® Introductory Training
The RCM 21® Introductory Training Course is a hands-on primer that covers how RCM 21® is applied. Delegates will have an opportunity to understand how RCM 21® methodology builds an analysis case from inception through to decision making; and how RCM 21®is applied to every step of the process, from conceptual design through system disposal, for any and all physical and non-physical assets. Classroom case studies will provide insight into exactly how and why RCM 21® is able to rapidly dimension an analysis topic and produce exacting, sensible and defensible results.
RCM 21® is defined as a scientifically based process used to determine the resources required to cause whatever is being examined to do whatever its owners/users want it to do in the desired operating context, given any constraints imposed by the operating enterprise.
- The following should attend an RCM 21® Introductory Training Course:
- - those with overall responsibility for managing RCM 21® analysis
- - supervisors whose resources will be participating in RCM 21® analysis
- - RCM 21® analysis group members
- - those responsible for implementing RCM 21® analysis recommendations
- - those seeking to further attend RCM 21® Facilitator Training.
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RCM 21® Facilitator Training, Mentoring & Certification
Enterprises seeking to internalize RCM 21® capabilities have access to send facilitator candidates to in-house or syndicated RCM 21® Facilitator Training Courses**. Attending candidates will learn the scientific basis for conducting RCM 21® analysis, initially on physical assets. They will undertake RCM 21® analyses including one zero-based analysis selected from available assets. This provides an opportunity for delegates to facilitate real assets and learn the theory of facilitating RCM 21®.
Following the classroom introduction of RCM 21® theory JTH Group provides one-on-one mentoring support for each RCM 21® Facilitator applying RCM 21®. This ensures the practical side of RCM 21® technology is transferred in the most time and cost effective manner. RCM 21® Facilitator progress is evaluated upon completion of each RCM 21® analysis.
Advanced training on non-asset based RCM 21® applications is also offered. This includes on the job teaching, formal classroom training and field mentoring***
Prerequisites apply.
Upon completion of key aspects of RCM 21® Facilitator competency each RCM 21® Facilitator may be certified.
** Potential RCM 21® Facilitators must attend an RCM 21® Introductory Training Course prior to attending an RCM 21® Facilitator Training Course. Potential RCM 21® Facilitator delegates must meet most of the RCM 21® Facilitator Selection Criteria.
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RCM 21® Practitioner Training, Mentoring & Certification
Enterprises further seeking to become self-sufficient with respect to providing in-house RCM 21® Introductory Training, RCM 21® Facilitator Training, RCM 21® Spares Analysis Training and RCM 21® Technical Auditing will have access to syndicated RCM 21® Practitioner Training*.
Following the classroom introduction of further RCM 21® theory JTH Group provides one-on-one mentoring support for each RCM 21® Practitioner supporting an RCM 21® effort within their organization. RCM 21® Practitioners are measured against 75 points of practitioner competency as they carry out each aspect of being an RCM 21® Practitioner.
Each RCM 21® Practitioner will be certified upon completion of key aspects of RCM 21® Practitioner competency.
* Potential RCM 21® Practitioners must have successfully completed the minimum number of RCM 21® analyses, which includes analyzing physical and non-physical assets, prior to attending an RCM 21® Practitioner Training Course.
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RCM 21® Spares Analysis
The cost of acquiring and carrying spares in inventory is often grossly underestimated especially when the effectiveness of a spares strategy is calculated. Carrying the right spares, in the right quantity, and in some cases, at the right location is critical to reducing physical asset turnaround time following a failure. RCM 21® Spares Analysis is scientifically designed to determine if spares should be carried, quantities driven by specific demands, alternative sparing factors, and risk assessments. RCM 21® Spares Analysis can be applied to new, existing, or changing spares strategies. A powerful analytical tool that produces fast results leading to a return on investment often measured in as little as a few days!
RCM 21® Spares Analysis is also offered to advancing RCM 21® Facilitators where organizations desire the skill to reside in-house. Those attending an RCM 21® Spares Analysis course learn how to apply RCM 21® Spares Analysis and associated decision making in a series of classroom case studies. Following classroom training, JTH Group provides analysts with hands-on field mentoring during their first few analyses.
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RCM 21® Management Services
To ensure your RCM 21® program gleans as many benefits as RCM 21® has to offer, JTH Group provides RCM Management Services to your management team.
- Working with your management team we offer:
- - Risk and Application Assessments
- - Pilot Project Planning
- - Resource Evaluations
- - Facilitator & Practitioner Selection
- - Analysis Integration Support
- - Management Workshops
- - Implementation & Sustainment Support
- - Metrics Assessment & Development
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Facilitation & Auditing
Full Facilitation Services
JTH Group offers experienced consultants to conduct RCM 21® Training, facilitate RCM 21® analysis or facilitate any of the products we offer. Our services are available, on demand, to compliment or completely support your resource requirements. This option can be an economical way to pilot or continue gaining the benefits RCM 21® has to offer while minimizing facilitator and/or practitioner start-up costs. This may also be an alternative option that will augment resource shortages or peak work loads while providing schedule flexibility and low resource impact.
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RCM 21® Technical Auditing
RCM 21® Technical Auditing ensures the RCM 21® process has been technically applied correctly. RCM 21® Technical Audits are conducted on each RCM 21® analysis prior to being released for Management Audit. RCM 21® Technical Auditors receive workshop and on the job training and mentoring on all types of RCM 21® analyses. Technical Audits include adherence to and compliance with all prevailing RCM standards such as SAE JA-1011 & SAE JA-1012 and OSD DODI 4151.22.
JTH Group ensures your results adhere with the function, form, and fit of each overarching process for those enterprises engaging any other recognized business process: Six Sigma, TPM, Lean, etc.
Advanced Technical Auditing other types of analysis is available including: RCM, Root Cause Analysis (RCA), Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA), and Condition Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+).
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Design, Technology Consultation & Research
JTH Group offers a full line of consultation and research capabilities to designers, researchers, and engineering organizations. Whether investigating new, existing, or upgrades to physical and non-physical assets, JTH Group is able to support your enterprise with design and technology Subject Matter Experts (SME). Our SMEs are able to help your enterprise determine technology choices, including researching and consulting on prognostic & diagnostic applications, for new and retrofitted assets. JTH Group specializes in post-mortem failure investigations and design correction.
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Organization & Resources
Organizational Assessment & Development
A properly structured organization delivers products and services in the most cost effective manner. JTH Group offers structured Organizational Assessment & Development analysis for new and existing organization structures. Our assessments test whether and how your organization is ordered in light of achieving its mission. Communications, reporting structures, and how job functions are completed will also be thoroughly analyzed to further determine the overall effectiveness within your organization. Working with your enterprise's management team a formal organization structure along with comprehensive supporting recommendations will be presented along with options, risks and transition plans for implementing the findings.
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Skills Inventory & Alignment
JTH Group offers Skills Inventory & Alignment (SIA) analysis to evaluate whether, where and to what degree the skills needed to achieve organizational goals are resident. Organizational shortfalls, shortfall risks, alternative skills sourcing, skills inventory, training requirements, position prerequisites, and transition and progression planning are also included in the results produced from an SIA analysis.
Combined with field observations skills effectiveness and productivity levels can be cross referenced to locate where work simplification or structured tasks will improve overall productivity.
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Manpower Planning
When combined with RCM 21® initiatives, each aspect OAD, SIA, and Human Factors can be synthesized into one comprehensive manpower plan using JTH Group's Manpower Planning analysis.
- The output of Manpower Planning includes:
- Organizational Functional Dictionary;
- inclusive task readiness analysis;
- Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA) planning;
- and a comprehensive baseline for future manpower and personnel succession planning.
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Human Factors
Human Factors
For new physical asset designs or manufacturing and service oriented enterprises, we offer comprehensive Human Factors analyses to determine how best to minimize strain, stress, and reduced productivity caused by poor designs and work flows. This scientific evaluation will determine how to increase production, manufacturability, and product and service quality; where human factors impact achievement. Human Factors applied to new designs will determine if tasks can be carried out; where and how automation should be applied; and if the design impacts any other context specific function of the asset or personnel.
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Facilities Management
Facilities Management
Facilities Management analysis will evaluate facilities effectiveness for new, existing, and facilities upgrades. Facilities Management analysis include assessing work factors, work dependencies, communications, systems integrations, work flow, work station effectiveness, material handling, utility impacts, environmental impacts, and life ownership costs. JTH Group's Facilities Management analysis has proven to be one of the most powerful and effective tools available to develop plans for integrating facilities. These analyses can include planning for successful dismantling, transporting, installing, and commissioning new facilities.
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Support Systems
Support Systems
Systems that support physical assets and services are frequently found to be complex, poorly understood, weakly implemented, and fail to provide the desired results. JTH Group offers Support Systems analyses to determine and correct how information is used to direct an enterprise's decision making and, ultimately, resources.
- When building, overhauling, or integrating one or more of the following:
- - technical instructions
- - policies
- - procedures
- - software and/or hardware
- - training correctly detailing each support system ensures the effectiveness of each support system.
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Process Mapping
Process Mapping analyses has been designed to carefully map all formal and informal enterprise practices for physical or non-physical processes. Findings are evaluated against known business standards to determine how, where, and the accuracy required, at each step in a process. Findings are also assessed to determine criticality of control and variable influences that arise during the course of operations. Documented findings provide invaluable measurements, control points, process/material relationships and dependencies, critical constraints, training content, and troubleshooting techniques. These outputs ensure a higher first pass quality and a faster restoration of quality results for both products and services following any interruption to production or service delivery. From macro to micro evaluations, Process Mapping will ensure your enterprise gains the understanding needed to secure the best ROI from your resources.
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